“We are completely destroying the environment,” criticizes the Terre de Liens association

The bill adopted at first reading on Tuesday in the National Assembly is a “Round-Up for the association” law. It denounces in particular the “decriminalization of environmental offenses”.


Reading time: 1 min

A megabasin in Charente-Maritime.  (XAVIER LEOTY / MAXPPP)

“We are completely destroying the environment even more”, castigates this Wednesday at the microphone of France Inter Tanguy Martin, in charge of advocacy for the Terre de Liens association, after the adoption in first reading by the deputies on Tuesday of the agricultural orientation bill. The association describes this text as a “Round-Up” law, and sees it as “the culmination of the takeover of agricultural movements by the FNSEA this winter”.

Tanguy Martin considers that this bill “features massive setbacks” in terms of environmental protection. “We are talking about the decriminalization of environmental offenses, limiting the possibility of challenging megabasins and factory farms in court when some of these megabasins have been declared illegal by decisions of administrative courts”he denounces.

For the Terre de Liens advocacy officer, this bill opposes “agriculture and environment, while agriculture can only exist sustainably in a preserved environment”. The association calls on senators on “rectify the situation next month”.

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