The RN and LFI intend to table motions of censure to try to overthrow the government

In the absence of an amended budget on the savings decided by Bercy, the National Rally and France Insoumise want to table motions of censure before the end of the week, a few days before the European elections.



Reading time: 3 min

The hemicycle of the National Assembly during a session of questions to the government, February 13, 2024. (ALEXIS SCIARD / MAXPPP)

The RN and LFI had set an ultimatum to the government which expires on Wednesday May 29, to have the deputies examine an amended budget including the billions in savings decided by Bercy to deal with the slippage in public accounts. For lack of amending finance bill (PLFR), the Lepenists and the rebels will therefore press the “motion of censure” button. Who will draw first?

The LFI group office in the Assembly will discuss, Tuesday, May 28, in the morning the best time to get out of the woods. On Marine Le Pen’s side, the objective is a submission at the end of the week, to have a debate in the hemicycle at the start of next week, a few days before the European elections. The opportunity for the oppositions to hit the government, even if for the RN, the ultimatum also targeted LR.

By hearing the right threaten a motion of censure, a few weeks ago, the National Rally challenged LR to take the plunge, because the RN knows that an extreme motion of censure right has no chance of being voted for by the left. The rebels also know that without LR reinforcements it won’t work either. The real sword of Damocles for the government remains an LR motion of censure which could collect the votes of all the oppositions.

Except that for the right, it is urgent to wait. No question of having your schedule dictated to you. The tenors of LR have increased the pressure, but do not intend to draw their weapons before the European elections. “You need a good reason to bring down the government“, justifies someone close to Eric Ciotti, and according to him, the time has not come.”The real risk is in the fall“, admits an advisor to Gabriel Attal, because this fall, there will be the examination of the 2025 budget with its procession of 49.3.

As for the imminent RN and LFI motions of censure, the right does not intend to vote on them, even if individually certain LR deputies could be tempted. An elected official warns them: “it would be wrong to divide us a few days before the European elections“. The government can therefore, a priori, sleep soundly, for the moment. And the right can prepare to be accused by the RN of “save the skin of the executive“.

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