“I will not let myself be intimidated by legal threats,” warns the head of the Reconquest list

Six associations defending LGBT+ rights filed a complaint on Monday for “transphobic insult” against the head of the European list for Reconquest, after comments targeting the award-winning transgender actress at the Cannes Film Festival, Karla Sofia Gascon. “I don’t believe in gender theory,” insists Marion Maréchal.


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Marion Marechal, head of the Reconquest list for the European elections, May 28, 2024 on France Inter.  (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

“I will not allow myself to be intimidated by the legal threats of these LGBT activists,” said Tuesday May 28 on France Inter Marion Marechal, head of the Reconquest list for the European elections. Six associations have announced that they are filing a complaint against the far-right elected official for transphobic insults. While the Cannes Film Festival jury rewarded transgender actress Karla Sofia Gascon, Marion Maréchal posted on the social network X: “It is therefore a man who receives the prize for best actress at Cannes. Progress for the left is the erasure of women and the erasure of mothers.”

This post immediately caused associations fighting against homophobia and transphobia to react: “I will not allow myself to be intimidated by the legal threats of these LGBT activist activists for one simple reason: they will not prevent me from continuing to say what is the truth. Being a woman or being a man, it “is a biological reality, like it or not”, declared the Reconquest candidate. Marion Maréchal persists and signs. She deplores that the Cannes jury “granted an award that should have been reserved for a woman to a transgender man.” She doesn’t believe “to gender theory” and to the fact “whether a man is born in a woman’s body or the other way around”.

The candidate denounces “this propaganda which today destroys generations, destroys young children, creates cases of extremely serious psychiatric illness with children who today are pushed to physical mutilation, to take growth hormones with lasting consequences on their fertility, I’m fighting against this. she continued.

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