Spain, Ireland and Norway jointly announced their recognition of the State of Palestine. Franceinfo interviewed Israelis who live near the Gaza Strip.
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Spain, Ireland and Norway announced on Wednesday May 22 their coordinated decision to recognize a Palestinian state. “We must bring to life the only alternative offering a political solution to both Israelis and Palestinians: two states, living side by side, in peace and security,” declared the Norwegian Prime Minister, launching a “loud call” to other countries to join this initiative.
“We view this as an important step towards asserting our right to land and establishing a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” declared Hamas in a statement, while the PLO for its part welcomed “historical moments”. For Benyamin Netanyahu, this recognition is “a reward for terrorism”. HAS Sderot, near the Gaza Strip, the reactions of the Israelis are divided.
From the start of the interview, Shalevette announces the color: “Well Gvir!”, she says. This Israeli woman was born and has lived for almost 50 years in Sderot. She voted in the last elections for Itamar Ben Gvir, the far-right minister of national security. And obviously for her, as for her mentor, the decisions of Spain, Norway and Ireland are incomprehensible. “It’s very, very disappointing. Whatever we do, whatever the situation, we will always be frowned upon. Even if we make efforts, even if we send humanitarian aid, we will always be frowned upon. We can only count on us and we can’t trust anyone”, she denounces.
“It’s a reward for Hamas. And if there was a Palestinian state, it would behave the same way. That’s why we are very disappointed.”
Shalevette, an Israeli from Sderotat franceinfo
Gaza is a few kilometers from Sderot and alerts are regular, because after seven months of war, Hamas still has the capacity to send rockets. So for Arnone, Europe and the political choices of its leaders are very distant concerns.
“I am neutral. For the moment, I am outside the game. Because it is very complicated and it is played out on at least three levels. With the Palestinians, with ourselves and with the world. And I do not I really don’t know what to do.”, he confides. A significant loss of bearings for this voter of the far-left Meretz party, normally in favor of peace and the recognition of a Palestinian state.