Norway, Spain and Ireland have announced that they will recognize Palestine as a state. The essayist Elias Sanbar criticizes the other countries of the European Union for waiting for the “American green light”.
Reading time: 1 min

Recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Spain and Ireland “places responsibility on the rest of the members of the European Union”, estimates Wednesday May 22 on franceinfo Elias Sanbar, former Palestinian ambassador to UNESCO. The essayist finds it difficult to imagine that other European countries will be able to “remain in the current wait-and-see position today.”
The poet maintains that this decision is not up to “symbol”but comes on the contrary “trigger a process”. He also considers that “the violence of Israeli reactions is far from being a reaction to symbols”. For Elias Sanbar, after these recognitions, Europe finds itself “to the wall”. He is therefore waiting to see possible other reactions from other EU countries and wonders if they will “manifesting oneself in a sterile following that serves no purpose”.
The former Palestinian ambassador to UNESCO assures that what “blocked” for the moment the other Europeans “is not, as the French Minister of Foreign Affairs says, that the conditions are not met”but rather than European countries “are waiting for an American green light”. Elias Sanbar regrets that these countries “do not dare obstruct the American opposition”, while in an opposite situation “the United States does not wait[aient] not a European green light”.