“It’s an effort that must be made” to attract foreign investment in France, says an economist

Emmanuelle Auriol, professor at the Toulouse school of economics, emphasizes that “Europe is losing ground compared to the United States and Asia in terms of foreign direct investment.”



Reading time: 6 min

Choose France Summit at the Palace of Versailles in January 2019 (LAURENCE GEAI / MAXPPP)

“It’s an effort that must be made” to attract foreign investment in France, estimates economist Emmanuelle Auriol on franceinfo, Sunday May 12, while the Choose France summit, chaired by Emmanuel Macron, opens Monday at the Palace of Versailles.

For the fifth consecutive year, France is the leading European country for foreign investments. Among France’s assets, “there is obviously our infrastructureunderlines the economist, professor at the Toulouse school of economics. About half of the investment promises are in the regions because there is fiber and highways everywhere. she notes. “Land being cheaper in certain regions, this is an asset”. France, the seventh economic power in the world, is also a “big market” And “there is nothing better for selling things than being close to consumers”.

France must “get its act together on education”

THE “skills of engineers, French executives and the educational system of our elite” also make France attractive according to Emmanuelle Auriol. “We have engineering schools that are still very successful”which allow France to be well ranked in the sector of “artificial and computer intelligence”. However, according to her, it is necessary to “get a grip on teaching and training in mathematics and French in general” And “invest in the fundamental research that is done at the University”insists the economist.

Emmanuelle Auriol believes that without events like Choose France, foreign companies would not naturally invest in France. “Europe is losing ground compared to the United States and Asia in terms of foreign direct investment,” she explains. The cost of energy, “which is very expensive compared to our American competitors” is one of Europe’s handicaps in attracting foreign investors.

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