“It’s adding poverty to poverty,” criticizes David Belliard, deputy mayor of Paris

The deputy mayor of Paris, David Belliard was a guest on France Inter on Monday.


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David Belliard, deputy mayor of Paris in 2021. (SÉBASTIEN MUYLAERT / MAXPPP)

That “seems extremely worrying, worrying to me”, deplored Monday May 6 at the microphone of France Inter, David Belliard, deputy mayor of Paris, while the Minister Delegate in charge of Housing Guillaume Kasbarian said “open” Sunday with the idea of ​​changing the law to “reinforce” the possibilities of evicting families of delinquent children from social housing. For David Belliard, also president of the real estate management of the city of Paris, HLM park in the capital, such a measure would amount to “adding poverty to poverty, hardship to hardship.”

The local elected official recognizes that he “we must fight against incivility within the social system, particularly on the issue of neighborhood conflicts.” But he does not think that the idea mentioned by the minister “is the right direction”. “This is once again pointing the finger at the tenants of social housing, making them potential delinquents. Frankly, it goes against what we need to do today to respond to the crisis which is real” , castigates David Belliard.

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