“If millions of people struggle to find housing, it is because of excessive regulation, including the SRU law,” says David Lisnard

The mayor of Les Républicains de Cannes and president of the Association of Mayors of France reacted on franceinfo to the government’s housing bill which was presented to the Council of Ministers on Friday.


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“If millions of people struggle to find housing, it is because of excessive regulation, including the SRU law”said David Lisnard, mayor of Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) and president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), on franceinfo Friday May 3.

This bill includes an announced relaxation of the SRU law, which imposes social housing quotas on cities. The executive hopes that out-of-the-way municipalities will be able, in the future, to integrate intermediate housing, mainly intended for the middle classes, into part of their production to help them catch up.

“There are provisions which are interesting in the bill, which are positive”, according to David Lisnard. Among the positive points, the mayor of Cannes cites in particular “the strengthening of the mayor’s power over the policy of allocating social housing” Or “the mobilization of new means for social landlords to provide intermediate housing”.

“But it is not at all up to the challenges because we have had a collapse in the housing supply for seven years now”he continued, however. “If millions of people struggle to find housing, it is because of the excess of regulation with which the SRU law has increased the act of construction and saleaccording to David Lisnard. The fact of always adding constraints to fix things, if it worked, we wouldn’t have a housing problem in France.”.

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