It is a debate which “will require a lot of listening, a lot of humility (…) and a lot of respect for freedom of conscience”: the Minister of Health and Labor, Catherine Vautrin, anticipated the parliamentary discussions on the bill on the end of life, Wednesday April 10, after having presented it to the Council of Ministers. It provides, among other things, for the establishment of a “assisted dying” under conditions for end-of-life patients affected by “physical or psychological suffering” due to their pathology. “The text went to the Council of State with 14 articles, it returned with 36”, specified the minister. Follow our live stream.
The members of the citizens’ convention soon received. Emmanuel Macron will receive on April 26 the 184 citizens drawn at random who had focused on the evolution of the legal framework for the end of life, franceinfo learned from the Elysée on Wednesday. They called for “profound changes” in their conclusions, in April 2023.
A long parliamentary road. Examination of the bill must begin at the end of May in the National Assembly. The start of a long parliamentary journey, which could take up to two years before the adoption of a law in due form.
A strategy on palliative care. On Wednesday, the government was also due communicate to the Elysée “ten-year strategy for supportive care”, intended to strengthen access to palliative care in France. The objective is to reach an annual budget of 2.7 billion euros in 2034, compared to 1.6 billion today. “Before access to assisted dying is opened, we will have already increased the supply of palliative care”recently promised the Minister of Health, Catherine Vautrin, in The world.