COVID-19 | Examination of the bill on the vaccine passport suspended in France

(Paris) The examination of the bill transforming the health passport into a vaccine passport was the subject of a surprise suspension by the Assembly on Monday evening, a majority of deputies having voted by show of hands against the continuation of the debates after midnight .

It will be up to the conference of the presidents of parliamentary groups at the Palais Bourbon to include the rest of the examination of the text on the agenda of the Assembly, but this dramatic turn will derail the timetable for the final adoption of the text by the parliament.

This extremely rare decision provoked the noisy joy of the deputies of the opposition, in particular on the benches LR while the majority challenged the president of the session, Annie Genevard, like the president of the LREM deputies, Chistophe Castaner and the minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

The minister had previously requested the agreement of the hemicycle to continue the debates after the normal closing time of the Assembly scheduled for midnight.

So far, the debates around the bill transforming the health passport into a vaccine passport have progressed at a slow pace due to the hostility of deputies from several political groups.

“It’s a snub for the government. The government told us we had to walk or die […] There the government finds itself bogged down […] and dropped by part of its majority, ”ruled LR MP Julien Aubert.

“We escape the sleepless night. # Véran receives a correction ”, tweeted the leader of the“ rebellious ”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“We have seen oppositions which, on many TV sets and tweets, tell us that they are in favor of the vaccine passport and support this bill and which in the Chamber, have done the opposite completely, have played the obstruction and voted in a massive way so that the debates cease ”, denounced the president LREM of the commission of the Laws, Yaël Braun-Pivet.

“Unfortunately we who intended to finish the text this evening so that it can be sent to the Senate and therefore apply as quickly as possible […] this is thwarted by the game of oppositions, ”she continued.

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