Drugs, violence and homelessness: residents are exasperated in Montreal’s Chinatown

Residents of Montreal’s Chinatown say they are exasperated as another violent event once again occurred on Clark Street last night.

• Read also: Armed assault: a man stabbed in downtown Montreal

The event which took place during the night from Saturday to Sunday occurred at the intersection of René-Lévesque Boulevard, a place which is often the scene of violent or problematic acts.


A similar incident occurred on the night of March 8 to 9, in particular, when a person was found at this intersection with several injuries inflicted by a “sharp object”.

A father, Phil Chu, who has lived in the neighborhood for 10 years, notices that people sell or use drugs near the daycare where he takes his daughter every morning.

“Often there are problems with drugs and crime,” he explains. These are things that should not happen around a daycare.”


The Montreal Chinatown round table, which represents residents of the surrounding area, is asking for help from the City to improve the feeling of security in this area.

“We have counted at least six or seven deaths, especially on Clark Street, which we know and we campaign a lot to have more developments that will ensure the safety of residents and users of Chinatown,” says a member of the round table, May Chiu.


See the full explanation in the video above

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