It has become a habit for almost two years: at each new school year a new protocol, new adaptations for dealing with the Covid-19 epidemic. After Christmas holidays marked by the explosion of contamination with the Omicron variant, Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced new measures on Sunday. From now on, when a positive case appears in a class, it will always be necessary to do a test but the family will also receive two self-tests, to be done at home on D + 2 and D + 4. Parents must certify in writing that the tests have been done and that they are negative.
Massive testing
“We are strengthening security through massive testing” assures the rector of the Nancy-Metz Academy Jean-Marc Huart who defends a protocol that adapts “to the current situation”, while teachers ‘unions and parents’ federations are once again showing themselves very critical.
Watch cell
Jean-Marc Huart does not hide the fact that the multiplication of sick people and contact cases risk creating disturbances. “We are investing the necessary means to ensure that there are teachers in front of all the students.” Thus, training or meetings will be postponed and the rector announces that he is setting up a specific watch unit to manage absences. “We will hire contract staff, if necessary. We sometimes have difficulty finding them, especially in rural areas.”