“We are going to spend a difficult month of January in the hospital”, warns Olivier Véran

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9:15 a.m. : “The 30,000 checks carried out by the labor inspectorate in 2021 gave rise to only a hundred formal notices, including an agri-food company where 18 of the 32 employees were sick with Covid, an association whose employees wore masks not approved and whose materials used were not disinfected or an employer who refused that its employees, all in open space, telework. “

In The echoes, the Minister of Labor gave some information on the checks carried out by the Labor Inspectorate to ensure proper compliance with the health protocol in the company.

09:12 : If teachers discovered the new health protocol at the school at the last minute, companies have had more time to prepare for the partial return to telework. “We had a week to prepare companies and carry out internal communication”, said this morning on franceinfo Audrey Richard, president of ANDRH, an association which represents the human resources managers of the vast majority of French companies.

09:07 : It is already past nine o’clock. This is the ideal time to take stock of the news:

• As of today, the deputies are examining the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass. As of this morning, the rules for the isolation of positive cases and contact cases are relaxed in France. Here’s what to know if you’ve been infected or in contact with a positive person. Follow our live.

• Less isolation constraints, more tests and staff … On the occasion of the start of the school year, the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, detailed his plan to limit the impact of the fifth vague in schools.

• L’devastating fire in South African Parliament is under control, announce the firefighters. The enclosure of the National Assembly where the South African deputies sit in Cape Town was completely destroyed in a violent fire which has been raging since yesterday morning.

A year after the attack by supporters of Donald Trump on the seat of Congress on January 6, 2021, American democracy is still “threatened”, estimate two-thirds of people polled by CBS News. About the “pride” Americans for their democracy, it fell to 54%, down from 90% in 2002, according to another study. We tell you more.

9:04 am : The PCF candidate in the presidential election, Fabien Roussel, will also distribute FFP2 masks to participants in his meetings. Guest from Europe 1 this morning, he detailed the measures taken during this campaign under the sign of the Omicron variant.

08:42 : The rebellious candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, notably mentioned on France Inter the distribution of FFP2 masks at campaign meetings. “We are making arrangements for people to be protected”, he said.

8:57 a.m. : “We need breathing and freedom. So the president does not have to interfere in everything, on all subjects and especially to dictate behavior to people.”

It is the turn of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate of the Insoumis for the presidential election, to intervene on the set of France Inter. My goal is to restore an atmosphere of freedom. Little by little, the field of freedoms was reduced “, he stressed, while his party must vote against the text that will transform the health pass into a vaccination pass, presented earlier to the National Assembly.

8:57 a.m. : Hello @Lou ! Absoutely. In this article published in November, we briefly review paxlovid as well as other treatments being developed to treat Covid-19 patients. (I would like to point out, however, that this article was published before the High Authority for Health challenged molnupiravir).

8:57 a.m. : Hello. There is especially Pfizer’s paxlovid, which will arrive this month and which is very promising (80 to 90% reduction in severe forms).

8:20 a.m. : Hello @The traveler. Several treatments are being developed to treat Covid-19 patients. Thus, the High Authority for Health said no at the beginning of December to the use of molnupiravir, the antiviral from Merck, but gave the green light to the use of the new monoclonal antibody treatment Evusheld, from the AstraZeneca laboratory.

8:20 a.m. : Why has no treatment been implemented for two years?

08:06 : “I said that it was perhaps the last of the waves: given the rate of contamination on the planet, it is likely that we have all acquired some form of immunity (…). This month of January will go be difficult in the hospital. “

08:03 : Regarding the issue of a new dose of vaccine, this “will arise quickly enough for fragile people in our country, immunocompromised or very old people”, added Olivier Véran.

08:03 : The Minister of Health mentioned on France Inter the two threats raised by the Omicron variant: “The risk with Omicron is a risk of saturation of conventional hospital beds. The second risk of Omicron is a dysfunction of the company”, he recalled. Thus, according to him, the relaxation of certain measures and the introduction of new health protocols makes it possible to intervene on these two aspects. “There is nothing contradictory”, he defended himself.

07:58 : “It will continue to increase in the coming days: the circulation of Omicron is very high, and it is so on the whole planet. We have never recorded so much contamination in the world”, declares the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, guest of France Inter.

7:40 a.m. : “The government has made the choice of visual navigation”, estimates Valérie Pécresse, guest this morning of RTL. The Republican candidate for the presidential election referred to the announcement yesterday of a new health protocol at school, on the eve of the start of the school year. “I think we should have anticipated (…) because we knew what was going to happen”, she believes.

07:34 : “Mr. Véran is in his role by trying to give a glimmer of hope, to show a more favorable horizon, from there to saying that it is the end of the pandemic, no.”

“It is better to have measures which are well accepted and observed rather than measures which are circumvented”, commented on franceinfo the epidemiologist Mircea Sofonea. According to him, the objective of the new measures is not “to stop the spread of the Omicron variant” but rather of “to mitigate it by measures which will have a relative effectiveness”, given the contagiousness of this variant.

7:40 a.m. : Hello and happy new year to you too @Alex! After this weekend’s announcements regarding the new school health protocol and the relaxation of isolation rules, no government announcements are expected today. We will of course be attentive to the interventions of the ministers in the morning: at 7:50 am, the Minister of Health will be the guest of France Inter in particular. Maybe he will clarify some of the latest announcements?

07:39 : Hello ! Beautiful year 2022. Little question. Will the government speak out on possible new restrictions on the Omicron variant? Thank you

07:22 : The news is also the heated debate on energy. This morning the newspaper The echoes looks back on the project unveiled on December 31 by Brussels aiming to label as “green” nuclear and gas power plants, under certain conditions. A project that is inevitably debated.

07:21 : This morning, Provence publishes in one the appeal of 500 doctors of the city, who call on the population to be vaccinated. “In a few days, our resuscitations will be full (…) In resuscitations, the Covid patients we treat are not vaccinated in nearly 90% of cases”, they warn.

07:21 : What is changing at school? This morning in the kiosks, the dailies come back widely, on this back-to-school day, on the plan unveiled yesterday to limit the impact of the fifth wave in schools.

7:20 a.m. : Despite fear of the epidemic, China says it is ready to host the Olympics from February 4. But while the arrival of thousands of athletes and members of foreign delegations potentially infected with the Omicron variant could cause the appearance of epidemic outbreaks, here is how the Chinese authorities intend to cope.

6:18 a.m. : The city of Xi’an, in northern China, has been confined for twelve days. The number of new cases of coronavirus rose to 90 from 122 the day before, according to local authorities. As the country follows a “zero Covid” strategy with very severe restrictions, the government has announced that two senior representatives of the Communist Party in the district have been removed from their posts.

07:19 : No suspense though. Passage of the law “strengthening the tools for managing the health crisis” there is no doubt. If the rebels, the National Rally and the Communists vote against, these votes will be insufficient to derail the text in Parliament.

6:11 a.m. : In emergency, the vaccine pass arrives at the National Assembly. The deputies examine from today the bill thus transforming the health pass. The text will then be studied in the Senate from Wednesday, the law “strengthening the tools for managing the health crisis” to come into force on January 15.

07:18 : Here is a first point on the news of this Monday:

• As of today, the deputies are examining the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass. As of this morning, the rules for the isolation of positive cases and contact cases are relaxed in France. Here’s what to know if you’ve been infected or in contact with a positive person.

• Less isolation constraints, more tests and staff … On the occasion of the start of the school year, the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, detailed his plan to limit the impact of the fifth vague in schools.

• After two days of criticism from the right and the far right, the European flag suspended under theTriumphal arch has been removed. It had been installed temporarily, without a French flag, to celebrate the French presidency of the Council of the EU.
On January 9 and 10, Russia and the United States will have talks on Ukraine in Geneva. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden assured his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky overnight in a telephone call that the United States and its allies “will respond energetically” if Russia invaded Ukraine.

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