The Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday March 20, 2024.
Reading time: 23 min

Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday March 20, 2024. Capping of imports of Ukrainian agricultural products, anger of farmers, vote on the free trade agreement with Canada in the Senate… He answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Imports of Ukrainian products: this is not what “France was defending”
The agreement reached overnight between Tuesday and Wednesday between EU states and the European Parliament to cap certain Ukrainian agricultural imports exempt from customs duties is not “not yet like the one we wanted”reacts Marc Fesneau.“This is not the position that France defended”he insists.
It’s a “mark of solidarity” certainly, but which should not be done “at the cost of too much destabilization of the market”. “So the work will continue”says the minister.
🔴 Extension of the exemption from customs duties to Ukraine ➡️ “These are measures that must be put in place in June,” estimates Marc Fesneau.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) March 20, 2024
Anger of farmers: “concrete changes” are coming
Marc Fesneau says he understands “impatience” farmers, but they will “see concrete changes”he assures the day after the meeting between Gabriel Attal and the FNSEA and the JA.
The unions presented to the Prime Minister “five blocks” of priority measures for which they are awaiting a timetable. “Simplifying takes time, defends the minister, because decrees must be made. A decree must be prepared, it must be published, it must be put out for consultation. It must be sent to the Council of State. Which, Council of State gives its opinion. It takes a few weeks.”
Free trade: “I regret that we are exploiting” Ceta
On the eve of a crucial vote in the Senate, Marc Fesneau defends Ceta, the free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. “I would just like to remind you that this agreement was greatly vilified and that the facts are stubborn, as the other said. They prove that this agreement is favorable overall for French and European exports and particularly for agriculture, in a certain number of countries. of shutters”assures the Minister of Agriculture.
Less than three months before the European elections, Marc Fesneau “regrets that we are exploited like that” Ceta, “because we need trade”.
Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” from Wednesday March 20, 2024: