“We are not prohibiting trade unionists from striking, we are trying to protect the French against excessive and repeated hostage-taking,” the president of the centrists, Hervé Marseille, complained to AFP.
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Fewer strikes during the holidays? The centrist group in the Senate proposed, on Wednesday February 14, a text aimed at regulating the right to strike in transport during specific periods such as school holidays. A text which comes at a time when a strong mobilization of SNCF controllers is announced for the weekend, with many trains canceled.
The parliamentarians of the centrist Union, allied in the senatorial majority to the Republicans, quickly reacted by tabling a bill to defend the “freedom of movement”. “We are not prohibiting trade unionists from striking, we are trying to protect the French against excessive and repeated hostage-taking”the president of the centrists Hervé Marseille is indignant to the AFP, who says “expect similar movements on the sidelines of the Olympic Games”.
The text plans to grant the government an annual capital of 60 days of strike ban for “staff of public transport services”. The executive could distribute this capital by decree as it wishes within a limit of fifteen days per period of prohibition, nevertheless with the holding of a “prior negotiation”. The proposed law, based on the system in place in Italy, clearly targets school vacation periods, often targeted by unions to launch their strike notices.