the closure of theaters and cinemas suspended by the Belgian courts

In Belgium, the closure of theaters and performance halls was announced last week by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo to curb the spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. But Tuesday, December 28, the Belgian justice decided to suspend this decision.

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Cultural places were supposed to be closed in Belgium since Sunday, December 26 as a precaution against the arrival of the Omicron variant which now represents more than 50% of Covid-19 contaminations in the kingdom. A demonstration bringing together several thousand people took place last Sunday in Brussels to protest against this closure. Part of the culture sector was also leading a rebellion against the government decision: several dozen cinemas and theaters had decided to remain open despite everything. The Council ofState Belgian somehow gives them reason, because he suspended Tuesday, December 28 in the evening the closure of the cultural sector.

The authorities have not demonstrated “How theaters in the cultural sector are particularly dangerous places for the health and life of people as they promote the spread of the coronavirus, to the point that it is necessary to order their closure”, considered the Council ofState, highest Belgian administrative court. At the same time, cafes and restaurants remain open until 11 p.m. across the country.

The Council ofState had been referred by the producer of a show scheduled in one of the municipalities of Brussels. Its decision, which the government cannot appeal, is applicable immediately. It is valid until a decision is taken on the merits, which could take several months.

For Belgian Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden, the government must review its copy: “As far as I’m concerned, one proposal could be to go back to the measures from before. It seems perfect to me to look at what we can do to still make possible a limited cultural offer, as the voice of the cultural sector is very strongly called in recent days. While taking into account the Omicron virus which is still increasing, and preventing the pressure on hospitals from increasing unreasonably. We must seek this balance. “

“We are currently analyzing in depth the decision of the Council of State. All the necessary consultations will take place quickly”

The office of the Belgian Prime Minister

The cultural sector welcomed the decision of the Council ofState that some even qualify as historic and a victory for democracy. In the meantime, Belgian spectators have never been so numerous in the theaters who had decided to defy the ban by remaining open.

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