To best support senior workers towards a peaceful retirement, Jubiliz is launching its mobile application.
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And here is an application to best support workers and senior employees towards a peaceful retirement. It is launched by a company specializing in end-of-career management. My retirement lighthouse supports future retirees in their efforts. This application is launched by Jubiliz (a consultancy company in end-of-career management).
A tool that directly involves the company
By making the application available, the company becomes an actor in the retirement of its senior employees by providing them with concrete technical and human support. The application aims to alleviate the needs and difficulties encountered by senior employees, close to retirement.
The goal ? Implement the best possible strategy, jointly with the HR department, to protect against “failed” departures and their consequences: disengagement and demotivation on the part of the employee, loss of skills, poor self-image and the company, etc. …
By launching this application, Jubiliz’s objective is to offer a turnkey tool to employees to help them calmly prepare their transition to retirement.
The application highlights three major features
An administrative timeline, in order to prepare your file optimally; a journey which encourages reflection and projection regarding the various human issues linked to departure and online messaging in order to exchange directly with Jubiliz experts and obtain answers to their questions.
The organization offers a three-month training course, this duration allows everyone to think calmly and to study and understand all the themes that make up this other half of life. Collective discussion sessions are also offered and allow you to create your own individual action plan.