what restrictions to come?


France 3

Article written by

R. Miri, France 3 Regions, D. Fuchs – France 3

France Televisions

How are we going to spend the end of the year? What should we expect in the coming weeks? With the approach of the Health Defense Council on Monday, December 27, the questions are numerous, the fears too.

Among the measures that the government could announce this Monday, December 27, the vaccination pass instead of the health pass. Another avenue considered, in addition to the pass, ask for a negative Covid test in cinemas, for example. The operators are clearly against: “If there were to be a measure, the less worse it would be the return of the gauges”, estimates Ludovic Loeckner, director of cinema.

Another concern for the French: are we heading towards a New Year’s curfew? The measure, which is difficult to gain acceptance, remains however very effective according to doctors, if it is long-term. “You have to have the courage to come back to the curfew”, says Djillali Annane, head of the intensive care unit at Raymond-Pointcaré hospital in Garches. Last track, that of a back to school shifted according to the level of the epidemic in France, by the end of the holidays.

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