Save Angèle | Press

Certified gold record two weeks after its release, Angèle’s second album, Ninety-five, follows the example of its predecessor, Brol. But it is also resolutely different: less universal, because more intimate, but also saving. The Belgian singer gave an update on her release with Press.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier

“If this album is so introspective and intimate, it’s because it reflects the past few years, which have been darker than ever. It was a way of emancipating myself from a lot of things to write this album, ”Angèle immediately launches.

When we spoke to him, Ninety-five had been unveiled three weeks earlier – it was originally scheduled for release on December 10, but its release was moved up to December 3. “A whim”, clarifies the main interested party. With 50,000 copies sold in two weeks, the record got off to a better start than the global success. Brol, double diamond plated.

Ninety-five is not, however, as unifying as the first disc. Brol wanted to save the world. This album was to save Angèle.

Like the recent Netflix documentary dedicated to her, the singer opens up her heart to this new opus which has been therapeutic for her. She confides there on her doubts and her disillusions, her romantic pains and her sudden notoriety, which stole her coming out of the closet, we learn in particular in Angela.

Music is my most obvious means of expression, it’s the way I can talk about all my worries and injuries. It was a way to get better and to reach this great theme of the album that is freedom.


In this regard, the pandemic has been beneficial to him. Alone in front of her keyboard, confined between four walls in Brussels, she could no longer flee.

“There was this compulsory withdrawal into oneself that we all went through. I found myself facing my demons and everything I wanted to hide under the rug. I had to confront it, ”she breathes.

In the heart of the storm

In her early days, Angèle had captured the attention of the public thanks to her engaged and feminist posture. In Brol, she depicted with derision the obsessions of her time, the emptiness of Instagram (Social media victim) to rivalry between women (Jealousy). Without forgetting Balance your what in reference to the hashtag #BalanceTonPorc, which has become the rallying cry in the fight against violence against women.

“This album was written by a 21 year old young woman who wondered about the world, but I didn’t really realize what was at stake. Today is different. I write in a whole different way and maybe more conscientiously too, ”says Angèle.


Ninety-five was unveiled on December 3, Angela’s 26th birthday.

With the exception of Storm, who tackles conjugal violence through the gang, Ninety-five does not have the vocation to change the world. It must be said that in 2020, Angela’s militant posture had turned against her after her brother, the popular rapper Romeo Elvis, was accused of sexual misconduct.

“It was so violent and heartbreaking to realize how jubilant some people were to be able to corner me. Me, the feminist who had opened her mouth. As if I was responsible. As if I had to pay, too, ”evokes the singer in the documentary.

Did the event – and the violence on social networks that followed – make him take a step back from his commitment?

“I would be lying if I said it had no impact at all; that even scared me very much, Angele cautiously advances. But it convinced me more than ever that the fight would be long and that it is still important to change the dynamics and to be able to fight more than ever against misogyny. ”

The episode also made her aware of the fight against online harassment, this “huge scourge” which “affects everyone”.

“Social networks are a world apart and we unfortunately do not yet have hindsight and codes. I think that in the coming years, there will be a question of perhaps inventing new laws, ”she hopes.


Angèle’s last year was also marked by unexpected collaborations with pop sensation Dua Lipa and high-profile rapper Damso.

What I like is collaborating with artists who make very different music or who have a different voice than mine because what is beautiful is the associations and the unexpected things.


The room Demons with Damso is a good example, with his very heavy, almost martial production, on which are deposited the aerial song of Angela and the thundering voice of the Belgian rapper.

“When I composed Demons, very quickly, I thought of Damso because the production lent itself completely to something more hip-hop. We contacted him, he came and it happened super naturally. It was really cool working with him once again. ”

Their friendship – unlikely as it is – dates back to 2017, when he invited her on his tour. The audience of Damso has not always been very welcoming to Angèle, but the rapper has never stopped believing in her, we discover in Angela.

“It’s always a pleasure to work with him because he’s a mega-artist, a guy who has incredible talent and who writes very, very quickly. ”

The real comeback

Despite the divided opinion of critics who accuse him of being too cautious or egocentric, Ninety-five has already received a warm welcome from the public. Is she satisfied?

“I find it unhealthy to always be waiting for feedback. At first I needed to see the hot reaction, but pretty soon I quit. Feedback on the networks can also be a trap in which we must not fall, ”says Angèle.

The only expectation that she allows herself is that of her big comeback on stage – her last visit to Montreal was in 2019. “In the end, it’s the most beautiful comeback and the one we expect the most, d ‘to be in front of his audience. I will come to Quebec as soon as possible! ”





Angela VL Records

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