Public sector: negotiations suspended until December 26

Negotiations between public sector unions and the government are now suspended for the Christmas period and will resume on December 26.

• Read also: Common front: unions reach sectoral agreements on Christmas Eve

• Read also: A hypothesis of agreement in principle adopted at the APTS sectoral table

• Read also: Common Front strike: several sectoral agreements concluded on December 23

Numerous sectoral agreements have been concluded in recent days, as discussions have accelerated between the government and the unions.

Negotiations even took place during the night from Saturday to Sunday with the aim of reaching an agreement at the central table of the Common Front, but the mobilized personnel were tired and given that Christmas Day was arriving, the decision was made to take a break.

“Negotiations will continue on December 26,” indicates the President of the Treasury Board, Sonia Lebel, in a publication on X (formerly Twitter).

As for the Autonomous Federation of Education (FAE), which represents 65,000 teachers on an indefinite general strike, a blitz took place this weekend, and at this table also, it was agreed that It was impossible to reach an agreement by December 25.

Negotiations on this side will also resume between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

The Quebec Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ), the Quebec government professionals’ union and the Quebec government civil servants’ union also find themselves without a sectoral agreement for Christmas.

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