a withdrawal of the text would be “very serious”, believes the secretary general of the Republicans



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Immigration law: withdrawal of the text would be “very serious”, believes the secretary general of the Republicans

Immigration law: withdrawal of the text would be “very serious”, believes the secretary general of the Republicans – (franceinfo)

Annie Genevard, general secretary of the Republicans and deputy for Doubs, is the guest of 19/20 info, Tuesday December 19. According to her, a withdrawal of the immigration bill “would deprive the French of a whole bunch of protection measures”.

After the agreement reached by the Joint Joint Committee (CMP) on the immigration bill, Tuesday December 19, can we talk about “extreme right-wing” ? Annie Genevard, general secretary of the Republicans (LR) and deputy for Doubs, describes these terms as “very excessive”and recalls that the text was “voted in the Senate by the LR group, but also by the centrists”. The representative of the National Rally at the CMP voted for the text and Marine Le Pen claimed an ideological and political victory on Tuesday evening.

“There are no surprises”

“These are proposals that we have been making for months, so there are no surprises. We wanted a firm text, which could be able to protect the French, by expelling and removing foreigners who present a dangerous character. We have taken measures to strip dual nationals of their nationality who commit crimes against our police officers or gendarmes.”explains MP LR, also a member of the CMP. “We wanted to tell the French that if we continue this migration policy which consists of welcoming ever more people, and only being able to expel a minority, the country is heading towards disaster”she continues.

Annie Genevard also believes that a withdrawal of the text “would be very serious, because it would deprive the French of a whole bunch of protective measures”, “would be a blatant contempt for parliamentary work”and would be “very serious politically”.

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