this emblematic Miss France who could replace Sylvie Tellier

One day or another, we will have to give up our place. Of course, Sylvie Tellier still has time before her before being replaced at the head of the Miss France Committee. Especially if she stays there as long as the very famous Geneviève de Fontenay. Despite everything, the question often arises in interviews and even some emblematic Miss France are questioned on this subject. Questions that could lead to some quarrels between the patroness of the Miss and the former winners of the contest because no one likes to be stolen from him, or that we plan to steal his place.

Moreover, for some time now many rumors suggest that the relationship between Sylvie Tellier and Iris Mittenaere would not be in good shape. The one at the head of the Committee organized a series of questions and answers on her social networks on November 2 when an Internet user asked her: “We no longer see you together with Iris. You have different schedules, aren’t you cold?” What the main concerned then answered: “I am absolutely not in the cold with Iris. Like you, I suppose I follow her a lot on social networks. She makes us travel a lot, dream a lot here, so very proud of what obviously becomes of all our Miss France and I am always”.

So everything would go very well between the two women. Even if Sylvie Tellier learned that our Miss Universe 2016 was thinking of stealing her place in the Committee? Maybe not. But that the mother of Oscar, Margaux and Romeo be reassured, the darling of Diego El Glaoui does not seem to have such projects in mind as evidenced by the words she made in an interview with the magazine Telestar to be published on December 27th. “It is not at all in my plans. And it is a perspective in which I absolutely did not project myself”. What reassure the one who replaced Geneviève de Fontenay a few years ago.

To see also: “She lies shamelessly”, Under the shock, Geneviève de Fontenay attacks the behavior of Sylvie Tellier “which is beyond comprehension”


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