what restrictions in European countries?




Article written by

S. Lequesne, A. Mikoczy, P. Verdeau, M. Chiarello, A. Reynal, Y. Saidani – France 3

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron advises the French to test themselves before Christmas. At this stage, there have been no new health restrictions announced in France, unlike our European neighbors who are toughening their tone.

In the streets of Figueres as everywhere in Spain, wearing a mask is once again compulsory outdoors. Nearly 90% of the population is however vaccinated against Covid-19, but the country has just recorded a new record of 60,000 contaminations in 24 hours.“I think it’s normal because the situation is not good at the moment, we have to accept it”, says a resident. Also in Rome (Italy), the wearing of a mask in the street is once again compulsory and the measure should be generalized to the whole country. “It’s painful of course, but it’s always better than being in quarantine”, recognizes a young woman.

In Belgium, cinemas and theaters will be closed from Sunday, December 26. However, the number of contaminations has been halved in three weeks. In Belgium, the world of culture says “sacrificed”. “Our room has 200 seats, it is ventilated, everyone is tested at the entrance, honestly it makes no sense, when you see the people in public transport, in the trams, in the buses”, says David Michels, director of the Royal Galleries Theater. No new restrictions, however, for Belgian restaurants, which can remain open for Christmas Eve.

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