Me Emmanuel Daoud, French lawyer for three Palestinian human rights NGOs, said Thursday, November 9 on France Inter that “the highest officials of the State of Israel” must answer “for their actions.”
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“We have decided to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court” to stop the “war crimes” committed by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, affirmed Thursday November 9 on France Inter Me Emmanuel Daoud, French lawyer for three Palestinian human rights NGOs. According to these associations, “hospitals, schools and refugee camps are targeted” during Israeli air attacks. “During this war, we used munitions like white phosphorous, with terrible incendiary capabilities, and which are prohibited”he adds.
The lawyer for these three NGOs recognizes that he “It was necessary to retaliate, and this is normal, against Hamas following the terrorist crimes committed by it on October 7, but that does not mean punishing the entire Palestinian population”. “We cannot, to defend ourselves, commit war crimes, crimes against humanity”he says.
Faced with this observation, the three associations contacted the International Criminal Court on Wednesday evening “to issue arrest warrants so that the highest officials of the State of Israel, who are carrying out these systematic and widespread attacks against the Palestinian civilian population, are held accountable for their actions”.