It is a press release from the Bordeaux en Luttes collective which retraces the facts. The group had obtained three elected in 2020 during the municipal elections in Bordeaux: Philippe Poutou, today engaged in a new presidential campaign for the NPA, the rebellious Evelyne Cervantes-Descubes and the yellow vest Antoine Boudinet, whose hand had been torn off during a demonstration in Bordeaux.
“Placardisée” … and new municipal councilor
At the heart of the problem is Myriam Eckert. 4th on the Bordeaux en Luttes list, she was hired as a collaborator of the group at the town hall. But, over time, she considers having been “placarded”, no longer being kept informed of changes in the meeting place, no longer having a real mission to accomplish on the part of the three elected officials. A situation mentioned last week during the general assembly of the Bordeaux en Luttes collective. And recognized by one of the three elected Antoine Boudinet who, believing that it went against his principles, chose to leave his post of municipal councilor of Bordeaux. Ironically, he will be replaced at the next February council by Myriam Eckert, his next on the list.
Sign that there is frying on the line within Bordeaux en Luttes, the collective asked Philippe Poutou and Evelyne Cervantes-Descubes to come and explain themselves. “If they were confirmed, the contradiction between these actions and the values that prevailed in the constitution of our list in the municipal elections of 2020 and in which 6,000 voters recognized themselves would be such that we could not support them.“, says the statement.