During the debate on the reform last spring, the executive and the majority criticized the COR and its president, accused of putting the scale of future deficits into perspective.
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An ejection seat. The government has decided to replace the president of the Pension Orientation Council (COR) Pierre-Louis Bras, whose reports he had criticized during the highly contested pension reform. “Matignon told me that I will be dismissed from my functions at the next council of ministers”, Pierre-Louis Bras told AFP on Wednesday October 25, confirming information from World.
During the debate on reform last spring, the executive and the majority criticized the COR and its president, accused of putting the scale of future deficits into perspective. This makes “nine years since Pierre-Louis Bras [était] at the head of the COR”commented Matignon. “It’s not a sanction” but “consistent timing”. “The pension reform has passed, the new annual report was published in June 2023, and several qualified figures must be reappointed,” we added to AFP.
A hearing in the Assembly which irritated the executive
The COR, which brings together 41 members, is an expertise and consultation body, attached to Matignon but which works independently. Its president is appointed by the council of ministers.
During a hearing at the Assembly in January 2023, Pierre-Louis Bras attracted the wrath of the government and the majority which were preparing the pension reform, by declaring: “pension spending is not slipping”. “There are a lot of assumptions in the COR report” And “this may harm the readability of its conclusions”reacted Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.