He announced he was leaving office Friday at a news conference. On August 15, 2022, Tunisia requested the extradition of Abdesalem Lassoued, the attacker who killed two Swedes in the Belgian capital on Monday evening, but this request was not processed.
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“I sincerely want to apologize in the name of justice to the victims and their loved ones. I also want to apologize in the name of justice to the Swedish people and to our fellow Belgian citizens.” The Belgian Minister of Justice, Vincent Van Quickenborne, announced his resignation from the government on Friday October 20, four days after the attack perpetrated in Brussels by a radicalized Tunisian resident illegally, who killed two Swedes in the center of the Belgian capital before being shot dead during his arrest.
The minister explained at a press conference that he had learned on Friday that Tunisia had requested in August 2022 the extradition of the author of the attack, Abdesalem Lassoued, a request which was not processed.
“As Minister of Justice, I cannot, under any circumstances, interfere in the work of a magistrate. And although this is an independent magistrate, I still want to take responsibility for this unacceptable error. I’m absolutely not looking for any pretext, I’m not looking for any excuses.”declared the minister quoted by RTBF. “It is an individual, monumental and unacceptable fault”he added.