The department is still on orange alert for mid-day flooding, as well as for wave-submersion.
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This comes three years after Storm Alex. The Alpes-Maritimes were once again hit by bad weather on Friday October 20. If the Aline depression caused damage, it was however much less than in 2020 and as expected, the red rain-flood alert was lifted at 10 a.m. and the heaviest rains moved away towards Italy, explained Météo-France in its midday bulletin.
Since the night, the interior has received between 80 and 120 mm of water, with peaks of 180 mm in Saint-Martin-Vésubie and 150 mm in the Roya valley, in flood, as shown in these images .
In Saint-Martin-Vésubie, the Maïssa bridge, temporarily put in place after storm Alex, was submerged and 30 meters of roadway torn away by the Vésubie, whose flow rate jumped from 60 to 200 m2/sec.
Two empty buses parked nearby were swept away. But the flow of the river, like that of the other valleys, seemed to be stabilizing, according to a situation update at the prefecture at the end of the morning.
In Nice, downpours fell in the morning. From the operational crisis center at the Urban Supervision Center, the decision was taken to close traffic on the famous Promenade des Anglais, France 3 reports live.