the emotion and memories of the French


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – E. Bailly, L. Legendre-Trousset, A. Locascio, L. Bleuzen

France Televisions

Jean-Pierre Elkabbach accompanied the French on television and radio for more than 50 years. The voice of a life, and of an era.

His voice announced the result of the presidential elections in 1981. Jean-Pierre Elkabbach left his mark on several generations of French people, and embodied political journalism like no other. “A great professional, very involved in his work”, remembers a passerby, Wednesday October 4. The memory that comes up the most in the streets of Paris is that of his jousts with the communist Georges Marchais.

“Let’s dare!”

Another memory in people’s minds, that of an interviewer with a strong character. A woman remembers “his frankness”. “He was not afraid to say and ask questions that many people do not dare to ask”, she adds. His firmness was expressed when he took over the reins of France Télévisions, and launched his famous “Let’s dare!”, a hymn to audacity. With the death of Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, it is also the time of a certain political journalism which disappears.

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