Video duration:
7 mins
Young people addicted to drugs, a phenomenon which is getting worse in France. For almost ten years, the consumption of anxiolytics has exploded among those under 20. And more and more of them can no longer do without it.
To get up in the morning and get through the day, Justine became addicted to medication, despite herself. A poorly united vertebra at birth, chronic back pain, she is only 16 years old when a town doctor prescribed his first, highly addictive, painkillers. The start of a long list. “When I was no longer taking the treatment, I realized that I was not able to last a day without medication”she relates.
A sharp increase in medication consumption
The High Council for Family and Adolescence revealed that young people who consume psychotropic drugs are twice as numerous as ten years ago. Added to this + 155% anxiolytics, one of the most addictive. For Professor Amine Benyaminawho runs one of the largest addiction services in France, We must exercise the greatest vigilance when prescribing medications to young people, to avoid, in the worst case, “the first deaths linked to drug overdose in France”.