in the village of Tikht, solidarity is organized


Video duration:
1 minute


A week after the powerful earthquake which left nearly 3,000 dead in Morocco, solidarity is being organized. In France, millions of euros have been raised by Secours populaire and the Fondation de France in particular. About a hundred kilometers from Marrakech, a small village was almost completely destroyed.

In the small village of Tikht (Morocco), 70 km from Marrakech, only the mosque resisted the earthquake. Everywhere around, houses are devastated. Saïd contemplates the ruins of his house. His wife and children died under the rubble. I’ll never forget what the people underground saidhe declares.

Impassable roads for rescue

Here, 70 people lost their lives during the earthquake, more than half of the village. In this place cut off from the world, at an altitude of 1,500 m, help had difficulty arriving. It took 14 hours for the first rescuers to arrive, testifies a resident. Among the miracle victims, Brahim, 84, was narrowly extracted from the rubble. His wife was not so lucky. As of Friday evening, September 15, electricity is being restored in the village. The residents will be able to begin to rebuild, but will carry with them the scars of the earthquake.

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