French fishermen will be received on Friday by Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée

The national fisheries committee, the president of the Hauts-de-France fisheries committee and the representatives of fishermen from Normandy and Brittany will be present at the meeting.

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Will French fishermen obtain new advances? Their representatives will be received by President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace on Friday at 11:30 am, several heads of fisheries committees told AFP. Objective: to discuss the consequences of Brexit and the conflict over fishing licenses with London. The national fisheries committee, the president of the Hauts-de-France fisheries committee and the representatives of fishermen from Normandy and Brittany will be present at the meeting.

Under the Brexit agreement signed at the end of 2020 between London and Brussels, European fishermen can continue to work in British waters, provided they can prove that they were fishing there before. But the French and the British disagree on the supporting documents to be provided.

After weeks of conflict, the British granted 1,027 licenses to French fishermen, including 23 on Saturday. “We still have a few dozen to obtain, around 60”, declared Monday the Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, on CNews. “Now we are examining with [les pêcheurs] the last mile of this negotiation. It can be the dialogue on some licenses and it can be the legal dispute on others “, he added.

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