“To travel is to go elsewhere to meet new countries to discover its landscapes, its inhabitants, their culture, their history, their way of life, their cuisine, their language…” In a journey criss-crossing all the continents, Carl Honoré — Praise of slowness — invites you to travel without rushing. Opting for routes suitable for vehicles on foot, by bike, by train or by boat, the author stops at 40 stations whose beauties he raises while inscribing them in history. Divided into four parts, this rich and accessible documentary album, translated by Bérengère Viennot, is adorned with stylized illustrations of the couple Kevin and Kristen Howdeshell, whose aesthetics recall the work of Blexbolex. But if the idea behind this path is, among other things, to reduce the carbon footprint, the road to get to these destinations may first require air travel. There is no way out. Especially if you come from Canada or Quebec, regions excluded from the proposed places, and yet it is not for lack of space to walk there.
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