Paperplane review | Turbulence-free flight

The Théâtre Advienne that will be able to present these days in Repentigny an acrobatic theatrical fable of infinite sweetness. A play directed by Frédéric Bélanger, designed with circus artist Émilie Émiroglou.

paperplane opens with a short monologue evoking the loss of a loved one… The sequel is a kind of long journey through time in order to celebrate his life. The life. Because time flies… And in a snap of the fingers, you come out of your house with your feet first. Better to take advantage of it. Of which act.

There is a lot of sweetness and poetry in this acrobatic piece fed by the music. Original musical pieces performed on stage by Sarah Leblanc-Gosselin – on the piano –, but also by the circus artists themselves – notably on the violin and the guitar.

Among the performers, note the presence of Evelyne Laforest and Stéphane Gentilini, who both worked closely with the Swiss-Italian director Daniele Finzi Pasca – Nebbia, The truth, Loss, Donka. We also find in paperplane the poetic touch and sensitivity of Finzi Pasca. A beautiful legacy (conscious or not) that they carry within them.


One of the highlights of paperplane : this number with the hoop of Katarína Sobinkovičova

On stage, small pieces of paper twirl around. We’ll make planes out of them. Among others. A beautiful image of the ephemeral nature of our passage on earth.

Narrative framework

Yes, our eight actor-acrobats skilfully lead us into these existential reflections with this paperplane which glides gently, without turbulence, towards unknown destinations.

Don’t we say that it’s the journey that counts? It is precisely to this inner journey that director Frédéric Bélanger invites us.

And even if, like my neighbor on the right, you don’t seem to understand everything, it’s no more serious, you can tell your own story, the material is abundant.


Evelyne Laforest does balancing acts on the piano, which punctuates the show from beginning to end.

Several numbers fit perfectly into this open narrative framework where, ultimately, the creators obviously invite us to live in the present moment. Whether it’s Katarína Sobinkovičova’s magnificent hoop act, Bobby Cookson’s Cyr wheel act, Augustin Rodriguez’s straps or Samuel Charlton and Myriam Deraiche’s hand-to-hand duet.

A more humorous segment features a baseball team, a bit of a left-field (scuse her), but rather entertaining tableau, with some great acrobatic flashes – the stick juggler, the base thief, etc.

Finally, a very beautiful number on this passing time stages a couple – aging rapidly – ​​in the setting of a station or an airport, places par excellence of all arrivals and all departures. The jubilant finale shows us all juggling pieces of clothing taken out of a suitcase. Other beautiful images for a story to tell.



Creation: Émilie Émiroglou. Director: Frédéric Bélanger.

At the Alphonse-Desjardins Theater in Repentigny. Until July 22. Then on tour.


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