For our health, it is better to live next to trees and greenery

The benefits of trees and green spaces: according to an American study, they slow down cellular aging.

We knew it was good for biodiversity, we now know that trees are good for health. American researchers have proven that people living near islands of greenery are biologically younger than others. Itheir cells, appear younger by two and a half years compared to their true age.

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To obtain this average, the researchers calculated the biological ages of more than 900 people in four different cities in the United States, for 20 years, from 1986 to 2006. This biological age, to be distinguished from the civil age, is calculated using blood samples, DNA observations, this is called the epigenetic clock. VSIt is very useful to know the state of health of a patient, to detect possible diseases and to see the advancement of our old age.

En addition to calculating biological age, the scientists used satellite images to measure the distance between each participant’s addresses and the parks. They then built mathematical models to take into account certain variables, such as education, income, being a smoker or not. and they found that people whose homes were surrounded by 30% greenery were two and a half years younger than those whose homes were surrounded by 20% greenery.

Some discrepancies though

Researchers have highlighted certain inequalities based on skin color. IBlack people living near green spaces are only one year younger than white people, who gain three biological years.

VSconclusion: living near green spaces is a good anti-aging tool provided you are not overexposed to stress, financial difficulties and have quality islands of greenery, sufficiently green, in which you can really walk .

ATAnother limitation of this study: we don’t really know how parks reduce ageing, we only know that they reduce it, without being able to explain it scientifically. Even if it is already a very good argument to promote the use of green spaces in the city.

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