why pay to park in front of the property?


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – T.Paga, B.Six, G.Sabin L.De Pavant, S.Ruaux

France Televisions

More and more public hospitals are charging their patients for parking. This can cost several tens of euros per day, which annoys some people. Why such a system?

The first hour is often free, but for half a day of parking, parking at the Poitiers hospital costs 12 euros. It takes 14 euros in Bordeaux or Rouen. In other establishments, payment by the hour has been chosen. But who benefits from this system? In Le Mans (Sarthe), Claudine would like to come to the hospital less often. Her son had an accident at work and each hour of visit costs him at least 1.50 euros.To come see my son, I have to pay, it’s a little hard to swallow“, she confides.

Fight against abusive parking

The activity would be profitable for hospitals. It all depends on the work done and the price applied. According to a manager, CHUs can receive up to 50% of profits. In writing, some hospitals explain that the financial gains are secondary. The payment would above all make it possible to fight against abusive parking, people outside the hospital who take advantage of free places. For a patient, this system relieves congestion in the hospital car park.

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