dates and places of the results, catch-up, success rate… Here is everything you need to know before the baccalaureate verdict

The results will be available on Tuesday July 4 between 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. depending on the academies.

Nearly 720,000 candidates await the results of the baccalaureate on Tuesday, July 4. In detail, they are about 390,000 to hope to win this Holy Grail for the general sector, 182,000 for the vocational sector and 145,000 for the technological sector, according to the Ministry of National Education.

>> Find all the results of the 2023 baccalaureate on from 8 a.m.

Since its reform in 2019, the baccalaureate mark is based 40% on continuous assessment and 60% on final tests (written and oral French, passed in first class, then philosophy, specialty tests and the big oral, passed in final). Here’s what you need to know about this results day.

1 When will the results be published?

The results of the general, technological and professional baccalaureate will be communicated from Tuesday 4 July. View below, using the franceinfo search engine, the publication schedule by academy.

2 Where can we consult them?

The results will be displayed in high schools or can be consulted directly on the dedicated franceinfo platform, in partnership with Lumni. The official results are provided to us by the Ministry of National Education.

3 When and how will the catch-ups take place?

The second group tests, called remedial tests, scheduled for July 5, 6 and 7, 2023, are accessible to candidates whose overall exam score is equal to or greater than 8, and less than 10 out of 20. In the vocational stream , those who obtained less than 10/20 in the professional practice test are also concerned.

Candidates for the general and technological baccalaureate choose two courses from those corresponding to the final exams (French, philosophy or the two specialist courses taken). They take an oral test for each subject. For the professional baccalaureate, candidates choose the two disciplines on which they wish to be questioned, on the one hand between mathematics, physical sciences and economics-law; on the other hand between French and history-geography.

In both cases, the marks obtained replace those of the writing only if they are better. If the general average is equal to or greater than 10/20, the bac is in the pocket. The results are communicated on Friday July 7th.

4 What is the success rate of the last ten years?

Before the publication of the 2023 results, we take stock of the baccalaureate success rate, all sectors combined, over the past ten years. After reaching 95% in 2020, it was slightly down in the following years.

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