Death of two firefighters during the floods: a public inquiry will be held

A public inquiry has been ordered by the Chief Coroner of Quebec into the deaths of two volunteer firefighters who were assisting victims during the floods in Charlevoix. A decision welcomed by the families of the victims.

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The investigation aims to understand the causes and circumstances that led to the deaths of Christopher Lavoie and Régis Lavoie.

1er last May, the two men were swept away by the current in Saint-Urbain, in the Charlevoix region, while they were helping to evacuate the areas affected by the floods.

Regis Lavoie

Photo provided by Marylou Lavoie

Regis Lavoie

After two days of research, the authorities had finally recovered the bodies of the two men, who had no relationship.

“The hearings will allow anyone of interest to speak about the circumstances of this death in order to analyze all the contributing factors,” the coroner’s office said in a statement.

Possible solutions will then be proposed “for better protection of human life”.

A balm for loved ones

The day after the tragedy, Christopher Lavoie’s father, Davy Lavoie, had denounced the sending of his son on this assignment when he could not swim. A revelation thus risks being questioned during the investigation.

“This survey is a good thing. It took that to prevent other firefighters from suffering the same fate, ”he confided to the Journal about the announcement.

Christopher Lavoie, 23, had been a volunteer firefighter with the municipality of Saint-Urbain for just over a year.  He was washed away by the waters of the Gouffre River.

Photo from Christopher Lavoie’s Facebook

Christopher Lavoie, 23, had been a volunteer firefighter with the municipality of Saint-Urbain for just over a year. He was washed away by the waters of the Gouffre River.

Those close to Régis Lavoie also reacted in the same way, believing that it is necessary to get to the bottom of this affair.

“It stirs up a lot of emotions, but we want things to change. It will move things forward, we can’t wait to see what will come out of it, ”explains Cathy Lavoie, the sister of the deceased.

No liability

The inquiry will be chaired by Mr.e Andrée Kronström as well as a prosecutor who will be appointed soon, we also made it known.

Note, however, that the coroner-investigator cannot rule on the civil or criminal liability of a person or organization.

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