The president of the French Olympic Committee Brigitte Henriques resigns, just over a year from Paris 2024

Amid strong tensions with her predecessor Denis Masseglia, the president of the French National Olympic Sports Committee ended her mandate on Thursday.

The CNOSF sees its governance crisis take on another dimension. His boss Brigitte Henriques announced, Thursday, May 25, to leave her post as president of the body, during the general assembly of the French National Olympic Sports Committee. Tensions have been simmering, lively, in recent months around several issues, in particular between Henriques and his predecessor Denis Masseglia. A little over a year from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the former footballer hands over. The secretary general of the CNOSF, Astrid Guyart, will take over the interim, the body said in a press release.

It’s a real snub for the institution of French Olympic sport. Within it were fought several battles involving its now ex-president. In the background, the dissensions between Henriques and Masseglia, former president of the CNOSF and who had dubbed the former international tricolor for a time.

Since her arrival at her post in 2021, Brigitte Henriques had notably dismissed the secretary general Didier Séminet, in what had turned into a legal battle. Henriques had filed a complaint for harassment and psychological violence, Séminet, former leader of the French Baseball Federation, responding to justice for slanderous denunciation and breach of trust. The beginning of a soap opera mixing financial affairs, legal disputes and power struggles at the CNOSF.

Shelved at the end of 2022

Brigitte Henriques notably stepped aside from her post last October, when she was accused of having, as part of her former duties at the French Football Federation, supported an FFF executive, convicted in 2023 for moral and sexual harassment, by providing him with a character certificate. Back at the head of the committee, she had faced a complaint before the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office, filed by Denis Masseglia for abuse of social good after Henriques had to reimburse the CNOSF for just over 4,000 euros in costs deemed personal.

>> Olympics 2024: six dates to understand the crisis that is shaking the French Olympic Committee and led to the resignation of Brigitte Henriques

Masseglia had then asked on May 16, without success, for the resignation of the one who had taken her place after 12 years at the head of the institution. This finally took place nine days later following an emergency general meeting. In an interview with The Team, Wednesday, Brigitte Henriques said that she had wanted to hold a vote of confidence – not provided for by the statutes of the CNOSF – this Thursday morning. His speech will have finally been for “explain to the members of the general assembly the reasons for its decision“specifies the instance.”At the end of this speech, Brigitte Henriques was warmly applauded by the general assembly for her contribution, her dedication and the work of modernization that she has instilled within the institution since the beginning of her mandate.

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra calls to “gather” and “bounce back”

Just over 400 days from the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, this new episode is shaking up tricolor Olympic sport a little more. “A Board of Directors will elect a President from among its members within the next three months, in accordance with the statutory provisions of the institution.” specifies the CNOSF. Until then, Astrid Guyart, until then secretary general, will hold the position of president. Already a member of the quartet who had sat during the time Henriques was sidelined, the former fencer will have to ensure the transition and bring some serenity to the institution.Guyart, 40, had notably won the silver medal in team foil at the last Tokyo Olympics, and six world medals with the France team.

Whoever takes his place must “gather” And “bounce“says the Minister of Sports, Amelie Oudea-Castera. “There is no winner today“, she reacted, but there may be “a victory, that of an ethical and democratic leap”. The Minister also made an appointment “Tuesday evening“May 30 at the CNOSF executive office for take stock“.

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