“The objective is to make Europe sovereign from a climatic point of view”, says Barbara Pompili


France 2

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Barbara Pompili, Minister of Ecological Transition, was the guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Friday December 10.

The fight against climate change was at the heart, Thursday, December 9, of Emmanuel Macron’s press conference devoted to the French presidency of the European Union. He notably recalled that France wanted to introduce a carbon tax outside European borders. “The objective that we have for the French presidency of the European Union is to make this Europe sovereign, and also sovereign from a climatic point of view (…), which means that we must we can be independent in the way we will manufacture, for example, our electric cars“, has explained Barbara Pompili, Minister for the Ecological Transition, invited to the “4 Vérités” from France 2, Friday December 10.

We need to be able to bring battery manufacturing back to Europe“, specified the minister, who added:”We need the products arriving in Europe to pay the same price as what we pay us“Barbara Pompili also rejected the idea of ​​protectionism in Europe.”This is not a form of protectionism, it is that everyone must follow the same rules. And we will work on how to implement this tax with our partners. ”


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