Third link: we were taken in a beautiful big boat…

So, if we understood correctly, the Legault government fired the plogue on the 3e link because serious studies have shown, with supporting evidence, that telework is here to stay.

That it’s not a fad, a passing phenomenon, but a fundamental movement.

What did I say? A revolution!

No more need to dig a tunnel for motorists, because people will no longer take their car to go to work.

They will stay at home.

And accomplish their task in pajamas.


Good, okay, fine.

Let’s say it’s true.

Let’s say that telework will indeed change everything.

Why should we invest in city centers then?

What’s the point of building office towers in Quebec and Montreal if people no longer travel to earn a living, as the CAQ claims?

Let’s be consistent!


Let’s listen to the scientists! Demographers! Urban planners!

If the teleworking revolution makes the construction of a tunnel obsolete (a tunnel which, just a few weeks ago, was presented to us as the miracle solution to all the problems which have poisoned the lives of workers in the greater Quebec), why would we continue to erect towers that will no longer be of use?

Let’s also take the plogue on these projects!



The reality, you know it.

This telecommuting thing is rubbish.

Porridge for cats.

I know it, you know it, we all know it.

This is the excuse that the CAQ came up with to get rid of the hot potato that had become the project of 3e link.

It’s like La Fontaine’s famous fable about the fox who wants to eat grapes but can’t pick them because the trellis on which the tempting fruit hangs is out of reach.

So he said, “Well, these grapes aren’t ripe anyway, so…”

As if he had never wanted to eat them…

The 3e link? Ah, we could finance it, and we still want to build it, we swear to you, but what do you want, the cursed telecommuting is pulling the rug out from under our feet, so we have no choice, the project must be completely transformed.

We are going to make a tunnel, but “with no tanks”.

“The work will start in 2026, believe me!” said Bernard Drainville, who dried his tears.

Well yes, Thing.

We believe you. Hard as iron.

As we believe in the overhaul of the voting system, the application of Bill 101 to CEGEPs, the single tax report, the reduction in the size of the State, the Saint-Laurent project, a commission of investigation into computer slippages, et tutti quanti.


As my colleague Karine Gagnon told me on QUB radio on Tuesday: the Caquiste deputies from the Quebec region really believed that this project would be done?



It’s beautiful to have faith.

It moves mountains, it seems.

So much that the government doesn’t even need 3 anymoree link to connect one bank to the other…

source site-64