famous lawyer arrested in the Netherlands on suspicion of helping a drug lord

Inez Weski, a 68-year-old criminal lawyer, is now in prison. A new page of a soap opera that fascinates the Dutch.

Inez Weski is known and recognized in the Netherlands. Aged 68, this criminal lawyer does not go unnoticed with her gothic look, with heavily made-up black eyes, dressed in black clothes. She was arrested on Friday April 21 by the Rotterdam police, suspected of having helped one of her clients, Ridouan Taghi, the alleged leader of the Mocro Maffia, this ultra-powerful network part of morocco of cocaine trafficking who works, among others, with the Camorra, in Italy. Ridouane Tagui is accused in particular of thirteen murders and attempted murders.

>> Investigation in the wake of the Mocro Maffia

Mafia baron’s messenger?

Concretely, Inez Weski is suspected of having allowed her client, who is locked up in a high security prison, to communicate with the outside world and thus to transmit information to traffickers.

Since his arrest, the words of another lawyer for Ridouan Taghi, resonate strangely. Menya Arab-Tigrine, lawyer at the Paris bar, explained in January that her client could no longer harm, pull the strings, that he was “materially impossible for him to send any messages whatsoever. He no longer has any contact with human beings. Visiting rooms with any member of his family are strictly prohibited for him. Contacts with prison staff go through writings. He no longer speaks”. She also denounced then a humiliating treatment.

The trial of Ridouan Taghi, a “soap opera” that amazes the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, since the arrest of Ridouan Taghi, since the start of his trial three years ago, there have been murders, deaths: the brother of a key witness, the lawyer for this key witness or even an investigative journalist, Peter De Vries. And then there were kidnapping threats, which targeted the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, as well as the Minister of Justice and a member of the royal family, Princess Amalia.

It is enough to see the way in which this river trial is held to understand the fear that inspires, even in cell, Ridouan Taghi: several security cordons, soldiers with automatic rifles, a drone which flies above the court , nicknamed the “bunker”. The lawyers for the civil parties plead masked.

According to the prosecutor, it is the decryption of a private messaging system, Sky ECC, which today allows us to suspect Inez Weski. Did the lawyer send any documents? If yes, was she threatened, forced? From her cell, she proclaims her innocence and colleagues are already talking about the pressures that weighed on the criminal lawyer. The only certainty: Inez Weski will no longer defend the Dutch drug baron.

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