Detox. No, François Hollande did not admit that NATO had deceived Russia.


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On February 8, ex-president François Hollande was tricked by two Russian comedians, who pretended to be former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. For a quarter of an hour, François Hollande thus exchanged with them on the situation in Ukraine.

Where does the intox come from?

On February 8, ex-president François Hollande was tricked by two Russian comedians, who pretended to be former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. For a quarter of an hour, François Hollande thus exchanged with them on the situation in Ukraine. After the video was posted on April 6, the independent journalist KanekoaTheGreat has published a tweet, liked more than 40,000 timeswhere he claims that “Vovan and Lexus pranksters […] made former French President Francois Hollande admit that the Minsk Accords were a NATO ruse to militarize Ukraine, and that Western nations overthrew the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014.” Following this message ELON MUSK asked if these words were “true”.

Why is this wrong?

During this exchange, François Hollande explains that the Minsk peace agreements, signed in 2015, had the advantage of preserving the integrity of Ukraine. Then the false Poroshenko relaunches him: “These agreements gave us some time to arm ourselves. Angela recently spoke about it.” François Hollande then replies: “She was right, […] it was we who wanted to buy time to allow Ukraine to recover, to strengthen its military means”.
Except that this “WE” concerns him and Angela Merkel, and not NATO. It is indeed a question of the Minsk II agreements, signed in February 2015 in the presence of Hollande, Merkel, Poroshenko, and Putin. An agreement also very quickly violated. As for the assertion that François Hollande allegedly said that “Western nations overthrew the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014”, that is false. The former President never said anything like this in this exchange.

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