Video length: 4 mins.
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In France, one in 50 people will one day be affected by Parkinson’s disease. If it often happens after 50 years, it sometimes strikes younger people. Meeting with Ingrid, 48, who has been learning to live with the disease and to push it back for four years now.
Ingrid Quetineau-Fagot, based in Montgaroult (Orne), has been battling Parkinson’s disease every day for three years. “Again today, I’m going to peel something, and suddenly you’re going to see me cry. Because I tell myself [que] even that, I can’t do it anymore“, she confides. It all starts at the end of 2019, with pain in the shoulder. Then the pain persists, and a neurologist then makes the diagnosis: Parkinson’s disease.
“It’s a tsunami”
“It’s a tsunami. Progressive neurodegenerative disease which cannot be treated, but only the symptoms can be treated”, she says. “A sledgehammer” also for her husband, Mickaël. One of the best remedies to counter the disease is to be on the move. Each week, Ingrid does adapted exercises with Romane, her physiotherapist. The gestures help slow the progression of the disease. After having spent two years crying, Ingrid had a click after the Covid-19.Last summer, she and Mickaël thus embarked their two children for a week of cycling and bivouac in Mayenne.