Jean-Jacques Goldman, his first underage wife when they met… His daughter Caroline tells the story!

In the French media, the Goldman clan is often honored. A key figure in the music industry, Jean-Jacques Goldman now prefers to live far from the spotlight. But in recent months, it has been his son Michael who has made him the talk of being the director of the latest edition of the Star Academy. Like his illustrious parent, the world of music is his hobbies !

Another figure in their family who has recently made a lot of noise, it is indeed Caroline Goldman who is illustrated to this day as a psychologist. Two years ago, the happy mother of four won over the crowds with her book “Go to your room”, published by Dunot editions. At the same time, the main interested party has also supported thousands of parents with her podcast.

However, with her approach which denounces the excesses of positive education, the daughter-in-law of Nathalie Thu Huong-Lagier has also been the target of numerous criticisms. Subject she has agreed to discuss the columns of the magazine “Elle” this month. “I carry a word that is not consensualsaid Caroline Goldman.

And to specify: “I say that children are not angelic creatures, that they must be punished, sometimes left to cry behind the door. the truth. I do this job to heal, not to make ideology.” In March 2023 for “Le Point”, the daughter of Jean-Jacques Goldman reacted to a forum in the “Monde” signed by researchers and specialists who tackled his educational methods, which according to them, were “coercive” And “violent”.

see also:

“At home, we love children”

“The initiators of this platform are merchants who have no patients and live from the sale of positive parenthood”, the author was annoyed. “But care is not a business! […]”. For several decades, Caroline Goldman has practiced her profession with passion. Holder of a doctorate in psychology, she also taught for 15 years at the university… A vocation which is not really a coincidence as underlines “She”.

“The women in my family are either child psychologists or pediatricians“, confessed Caroline Goldman. “My mother was a psychiatrist in nursery and PMI. For the record, she met my father at 17 and did not know what to do… My paternal grandmother who could not study was brilliant and passionate by Freud.

Before concluding : “It was she who advised him to do psycho. You know, at home, we love children, we do a lot of them and it’s very joyful. We are passionate about the deployment of potentialities, also about love…” It is said !


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