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The pension reform is currently being discussed in the Senate. The journalist Anne Bourse, present on the set of 8 Heures, Wednesday, March 8, returns to the capital role played by Republican parliamentarians in the possible adoption of this bill.
The examination of the pension reform is continuing in the Senate, but article 7 of the bill, which relates to the decline in the legal retirement age from 62 to 64, has still not been voted on. On the night of Tuesday 7 to Wednesday 8 March, “right and left fought until 3:30 am around this famous article 7”explains journalist Anne Bourse, present on the set of 8 Hours, Wednesday. It specifies that Article 7 “should still be voted on” Wednesday.
“The right finds itself playing the leading roles”
The government “Absolutely needs the Republicans (LR) to push through the reform, but LR is becoming an uncertain and divided ally. We saw in the Assembly the fractured group, some of the deputies led by Aurélien Pradié upwind. Some have already announced that they will not vote for the text”continues Anne Bourse. “The right finds itself playing the leading roles. The government is totally dependent on LR. Everything could be decided with a few votes”adds the journalist.