MHB grounded in Toulouse records its 6th defeat

The Montpellier handball players still do not manage to continue in the league, and yet a victory in Toulouse would have allowed to get back to the leading peloton. Montpellier did not take off and even had its wings cut off by the Toulouse residents, “who gave us a real lesson in handball “admitted MHB captain Valentin Porte at the end of the match at the microphone of beIN Sports.

The Toulousains of the former Montpellier pivot Fredric Petterssonn, author of 5 goals, led the whole match, widening the gap of 5 goals in the 42nd minute (23-17), which they kept and even increased in the end. 32-26).

Valentin Porte even spoke of professional misconduct of his teammates in defense, “we can’t shoot the coach, the problem is us, the players, it looks like we’ve only recently been playing together.“he told beIN Sports.

With this 6th defeat, Montpellier finds itself 9th tied on points (11) with Chartres, the last opponent before the break but above all 8 points behind Nantes which occupies second place in the championship. This Sunday, the MHB has certainly grilled one to see its last all-rounder to hope to come back to Nantes and see the qualification for the Champions League fly off next season.

Montpellier is currently living its worst season in a quarter of a century for the president of MHB Julien Deljarry

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