watch the show on Thursday March 2

Contents this week: “Inflation: the gift as a solution?”, “After M: solidarity burgers”, “Netherlands, death to the cows?”, “The guardian angel of giraffes”.

“Moneyless” stores where everything is free, an application that makes it quick and easy to offer clothes, furniture, toys… Today, many French people no longer even try to resell what clutters them or which they no longer need: they find a certain happiness in giving what will allow others to furnish themselves or to acquire a first car essential for work. Investigation of a parallel economy where nothing can be bought and everything is given.

A report by Mélanie Nunes, Brice Gouronnec, Sandrine Philibert and Hikari agency.

In the northern districts of Marseille, after the closure of the McDo, former employees took over the establishment and are trying to revive an activity in the former premises of the American giant. In appearance, little has changed but the goal is radically different: the sale of burgers must finance a distribution of food aid for very modest families in the neighborhood.

A report by Elvire Berahya-Lazarus, Xavier Gaillard, Jean-Pierre Guillerez, Bertrand Bolzinger and Charles Mauly for CAT & Cie.

Netherlands, death to the cows?

In the Netherlands, the countryside, forests and rivers are among the most polluted in the world due to the nitrogen emitted by intensive agriculture. The rates are so alarming that a court decision has forced the government to bring them down quickly. By deciding to limit the size of farms, the authorities have angered farmers. No more gigantic cow factories! Faced with these new constraints, some farmers are selling their land to relocate their livestock to Germany. Others are trying to find solutions to continue producing milk and meat without polluting the air and soil.

A report by Kristian Autain, Francis Simoës, Guillaume Marque, and Bruno Maruani.

Guest: Cyrielle Denhartigh, Agriculture and Food Manager, Climate Action Network.

The guardian angel of giraffes

This is the story of an image that has gone around the world, and caused a real awareness of the climate crisis and its consequences: that of the lifeless body of six giraffes, lying on the sand in the desert of Kenya. But a man is battling drought and poaching threatening giraffes with extinction. We call him “Daktari”, “the doctor” in Swahili. Ali Abdullahi, a biologist, fights to save species and faces enemies, one of the most formidable of which is drought. “Special Envoy” recounts this unprecedented fight in Africa to save a species.

A report by David Muntaner, Hélène Eckmann, Thomas Parnet / Kraken Films.

Guest: Alexis Lecu, scientific director of the Paris Zoological Park.

The editorial staff of “Special Envoy” invites you to comment on the program on its Facebook page or on Twitter with the hashtag #Correspondent.

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