on tour with Julien Clerc



France 3

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The France Télévisions teams followed Julien Clerc in rehearsal before the first date of his tour in Lille (North), Friday December 3. Immersion with the artist who has seduced so many generations since the 1960s.

Friday December 3 in Lille (North), Julien Clerc plunged back into the particular rhythm of a tour. “The whole day only goes by for what happens in the evening”, explains the singer before completing: “It’s a pretty lonely life, contrary to what you might think.” Fifty years of work have in no way taken away his attention to detail. “He’s a very precise person, who knows exactly what he wants to see and expand”, underlines its musical director Benjamin Constant.

The technique under control, all that remains is to conquer the public. “It’s a relationship of emotions, you have to give everyone the impression that we are singing for them”, specifies the artist. During his tour, Julien Clerc sings his hits, but also standards of French song, as a tribute to those who gave him a taste for the stage and the spectacle.


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