“I feel the confidence of my manager”, confides an employee of one of the ten French companies to offer it

The Spaniards created a prerequisite Thursday, February 16 in Europe by definitively adopting a law implementing “menstrual leave” for women suffering from painful periods. In France, no bill is in progress but rare companies take it into account.

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A dozen companies in France offer “menstrual leave”. For the time being in Europe, only Spain has legislated on the subject by adopting a law on Thursday February 16 to create it in the event of painful periods. Sick leave will be granted by a doctor who will set the duration and it will be financed by Social Security.

>> Menstrual leave already exists in India and Japan

In the few French companies that offer it, women can take one or two days off, while being paid and without having to provide a medical certificate. This is the case at Critizr, which employs a hundred employees.

“It’s not a woman’s problem but pain.”

Xavier Molinié, Human Resources Director of Critizr

at franceinfo

“I think the responsibility of a company is not to require someone who is suffering to come to work, whether they are a man or a woman.estimates Xavier Molinié, the director of human resources of Critizr. A man who has prostate cancer and is treated for it, we do not blame him for being a man.

>> According to an Ifop poll, the idea of ​​menstrual leave is favored by French women.

Since the device was set up, only six women out of 40 have benefited from it, and this, on an ad hoc basis. Sonia, 33, has taken this leave twice over the past year, due to very severe pain. “Here, I feel much more valued in the company. I feel the confidence of my team, my managershe testifies. I have freedom, flexibility because they know the job is going to be done. It’s just one day actually.”

This company, which would like to inspire others, also offers five days of leave for miscarriage to all of its employees and their spouses.

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